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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - New York 2024

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My Story…

Miles for Migraine is an extremely important organization to me and my work as a headache medicine provider.

Compared to as for other widely occurring conditions, there is very little support (financially, socially, politically, and emotionally) for persons living with migraine. Migraine is an invisible, often chronic, disease that impacts an estimated 1 billion persons worldwide. Participation in (or donation to) this annual cause helps to raise funds (and awareness) to generate research and policy changes that will ultimately lead to better treatments.

I appreciate you considering making even a small donation to my page in support of this great cause! *Funds received actually benefit our own research projects and  headache fellowship training program at NYU*

Take care!

Sarah Bobker

A Migraine Person

Assistant Professor of Neurology & Headache Medicine Fellowship Director @NYU Headache Division

Associate Editor @Headache Journal: The Journal of Head & Face Pain

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 31 Drew Sarah changed my life. Migraine free for 2 years. $26.50
Jul 29 EK + Drew Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Sam Haveson $53.00
Jul 25 Brad and Hannah! Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Jennie and Neil Undisclosed amount